Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I am a Macbook Air. compact, light-weight, dysfunctional.

A little problem with the electricity occurred here today. I was at a friend's when my mother frantically called me home. Of course, I hadn't been aware of this power outage because the house I was in did have their power, so I go home, only to find that,
a) There was no food.
b) I was called back so I could sit in the dark and do absolutely nothing.

Thanks mum.

Anyway, the power was only out for about an hour and a half until, out of sheer bad luck, while I was standing underneath a fire alarm, it all comes back. Meaning the fire alarm resets and goes off, going crazy and sending ear shattering screeches into my brain. My hearing is still slightly fucked up.

Also, what the fuck was up with that Conficker virus threat thing? When my mom called me this morning to warn me not to do anything especially stupid, I thought she was just a victim of a very bad April Fool's joke. Anyway, I looked it up at school and found some pretty interesting stuff. How to avoid it..what it does...but not one of these stupid articles said anything about how millions of people got this thing. I didn't get any virus. None of my friends did. Now if none of my friends did, you gotta be really damn stupid to have gotten infected. Of course, I still stand firmly that there was no e-plague, and this was all a very, very bad April Fool's gag.

I got a small razor burn cut on my knee over four hours ago and it's still bleeding. MRSA anyone? T_T

Anyway, just wanted to update this since I hadn't gotten to it in a while. And yes, I got my computer back. :D


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