Sunday, April 19, 2009

Once upon a dull Sunday night

Okay, it's not actually Sunday. It's 1:29AM Monday.

Anyway, I have a lot to say right now, so I'm just gonna go ahead and spill it all out here.

First of all, my latest project is looking pretty good so far, my first real attempt at a digital realism painting. It actually started out as a hair experiment. After that turned out surprisingly nice, I decided to finish it. Here's what I've got so far:

I'm pretty proud of it. I love the hair and eye. I can't seem to get the other eye right though. Blah...

Anyway, I haven't mentioned this before because I'm stupid, but I streaked my hair red a couple months ago, and it looked like this (left) until a couple weeks ago, when I decided to get it straightened. They call it "Thermal Reconditioning", which is basically applying a thick layer of this chemical straightening product and leaving me under this torture hat for 30 minutes (The product burns like hell... plus the heat of the torture thing was burning my scalp and the heat was making me dizzy), washing it out, straightening my hair with a super hot flat iron to the scalp (the hairdresser guy burnt my ear/scalp like 6 times), totally straightening and flattening (and frying) it out. Then they go and apply ANOTHER thick layer of that product and leave me under the torture hat for another 30 minutes before finally washing it out and finishing up. This took about...5 hours, maybe more.

This made my hair extremely flat, and for the first 3 days my hair was literally draping over my head like a wet cloth, it was so damned flat. A friend of mine shared my hate for the flatness and gave me a couple tips on how to poof it back up, and now it looks great. However, the chemical product would act as a bleach or lightener or whatever, and totally ruin my streaks, turning them into this awful brownish dull orange colour.

Luckily it's not extremely bold. However, it's a good thing the colouring product I used did not require bleaching my hair first, or else it probably would have turned this disgusting yellow-y colour. Eek. I can probably just wait and just wash it out. It's already starting to get pretty dull, so a couple more washes will probably get it down a couple more shades. I need to redo the color-job now, because it's hideous right now. I was thinking about doing some crazy colour. I've always wanted to try doing a sleek dark blue on my hair, but my parents would never approve of that. Red is always a safe option, but I want to try something new. I was thinking about purple, a nice fuschia colour. The product I used to colour my hair red was called Colour Rays in Red Rays by L'Oreal which I got great, bold results with, and they also have a nice fushcia colour in that same line. I love the colour, so I think I'm going to try that next. I also stumbled across another blog, Journey To Family where Julie, the author of the blog showed the process of getting a purple streak professionally. I looked at those pictures and saw how they clipped up her hair and streaked that bottom layer, and thought "why the hell didn't I think of that?" So I think I'm going to try doing that. I won't be doing anything to my hair until at least May though. Partially because my sister will be back at her res at university and won't be there to judge and be a bitch (the only things she's good at) about it.

I might also want to just bleach two random pieces from the bottom layer and use temporary dyes of random colours and just dye it a different colour every time the last one washed out.

That's it. God, why aren't I tired at almost 3AM?


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