Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Phishing scam or another stupid Microsoft fuckup?

Windows Live(TM) Messenger Service Staff says (7:40 PM):

Important service announcement: As part of a recent system enhancement, we need you to change your e-mail address to continue signing in to the Windows Live(TM) Messenger Service.
To ensure that your access is not blocked and to learn more, go to http://support.microsoft.com/gp/Messenger/en

...What the FUCK?

This IM was sent to me just a couple minutes ago via IM. Suspicious. Of course, at first I dismissed it as a regular MSN virus spreading itself. However, this one looked interesting, so I looked into it.

The sender's name was "Windows Live (TM) Messenger Service Staff. Its email address was an @microsoft.com address. Now microsoft.com has this domain reserved for these purposes so it looked fairly legit, right? So I took the chances and clicked the link. It was, after all, on the microsoft.com domain, again. (I'm quite gullible!) The page looked like a regular Microsoft FAQ page, no downloads/ads/suspicious stuff. It wants my to change my email.


Anyway, I followed the link that page provided out of curiosity (I had no intention of actually changing anything until I found out wtf was going on)

" Your Windows Live ID can't be changed

Your Windows Live ID can't be changed at this time."

Yeah. Good job, Microsoft. Good. Fucking. Job.

Of course, I did my fair share of research on this, and it seems that these IMs haven't been being shot out since recently (the past hour or so). On on that subject, how professional is it to send something as important as this seems through an IM? In the shape and fashion of a good ol' virus scam, too. Had to be creative, huh? Why not just an e-mail or something? That might seem a little more legit.

This seems like something Apple plotted to make people switch over to Macs.


They seem to have realized their error and published a measly blog post to notify the lucky few who stumble across it that they fucked up.

Way to go! Stirred up hundreds (if not thousands) of people and wrote an unofficial blog post on a blog that nobody bothers to read apologizing about it.

Oh well. Nobody's perfect--but somebody got fired.


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