Sunday, April 26, 2009

Power Outage = Beer, burgers and pissing in ominous candlelight.

NOTE: I started to write this last Sunday but kinda put off posting it 'till now...

Yesterday was friggin' amazing.

So, yesterday I went out with my boyfriend and one of his friends to see that new movie with Beyonce and Ali Larter (Tracy Strauss/Nikki/Jessica from Heroes!?), Obsessed. I won't go on a movie rant about that, because it wasn't really that bad. It wasn't good either, though. There was a bitchfight scene though, those are always awesome. I have more respect for Beyonce now. :D

Anyway, after the movie I went to the other guy's house with them to watch them play their 360, and not 20 minutes into a game, the power went out. We were in a basement so it was..fucking dark. Pissing was scary too, and even more terrifying with the candlelight. The shadows on the walls were moving like in horror movies right before somebody died. For some reason we didn't leave the basement either.

Guys are friggin weird. For dinner, we were given a stack o' burgers and hotdogs, and after we were all relatively full, one of the guys started to pull the wieners out of the hot dog buns and chewing off the skins, leaving the actual meat in a napkin.

Anyway, power out = fridges aren't cold, meaning the beer was getting warm... and being there without any adults... well, you can guess what happened after that.
Actually, I didn't actually any more than half a bottle. :3 I drink responsibly! underage, but responsibly.


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