Friday, October 3, 2008

Society, Humanity: Don't make me laugh.

School is fun. I'm a great, straight A-honour roll student, and they cannot possibly expect I'm actually fucking learning something new. I mean seriously, I would be in high school already if they weren't denying my brilliance! Most of the stuff they teach nowadays is common fucking logic. It doesn't take a genius to figure out some simple algebra. America != Canada, please stop dragging my country's averages down and move to where you fucking belong, retards.

And besides that, a part of school I'm not so gifted in- the actual kids. JONAS BROTHERS ARE SO HOT! OMFG! I'M GOING TO MARRY THEM ONE DAY!! Shut the fuck up. No they're not, no you're not. What you morons don't fucking realize is that you're a tool. A tool for Disney to reap your money and lives. They pick some poor, little kids off the street, put a load of makeup on them and record them reciting a poem some poor drunkard wrote. It's not music. Disney is sitting there, laughing while some spoiled little fags reap in millions of dollars for them. Stupid, fucking...GRAWRRASFL

So like the other day I like totally went to the mall and I like bought a new shirt from Hollister! And then you didn't have enough money for a bus ticket home. They say the homo sapien is the smartest thing alive. I beg to differ. How smart is it to buy a pair of pants for $60 that was most likely made by some poor kid half across the world who probably lost a few fingers in the process and made a penny out of it? Damn people these days don't realize they're all idiots for following these "trends", a.k.a money reaping schemes targetted at the stubborn, idiotic children? If I ever have kids, god forbid, and they ask me one day for something because "everyone else has it" I will beat it's ass and throw it out. I'm a horrible person.

Another thing that bothers me to no end are those shameless little pieces of shit who go around offering tits for quarter. Hey, I had to get dressed in the morning, and so do you. To be honest, I hate feminists as much as whores, but this is ridiculous. Everytime I see a shirt at a store that is clearly supposed to be extremely revealing and obviously targetting the, what I like to call, Pussycat Dolls wannabes, I spit whatever I have in my mouth on the inside of the shirt chest. Whether it's gum (my favourite), my precious double chocolate chip frappuccino or just simply my saliva. Quit exploiting your fat body, most people don't want to see that shit anyway.

I'm done. For now. Expect more. *fingers break off*



Anonymous said...

LOL. Nice rants you've got here.
I HAVE TO AGREE WITH YOU. But I gotta admit I'm just as much as a follower myself. Not to the point of no return unlike Anita whatsherface.
OMG. HOLLISTER, FCUK, ARMANI, BEBE, ABERCROMBIE.SO HOT. Whatever. she wouldn't shut the fuck up and she almost got me into being a label whore. Spitting all her pointless shit. YOU'RE A PMALL RAT. What the fuck seriously. She went to pmall WITH ME and she's like I'M NOT A PMALL RAT ANYMORE. I'm like, you only haven't gone to pmall for two days are you THAT proud of yourself?


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