Monday, May 25, 2009

School, BGT.

It's finally setting in: School's almost over. But it's different this year-- I won't be coming back in September. Ah, elementary school's finally almost over. The end never seemed so close 'til today. After I got that huge geo assignment back and finished a speech that I've been worrying about since September, it finally became apparent. No emo rant from me though, I couldn't be any happier to be going to high school. I just really hope graduation night will be decent. A minimum of two awards I must get, or I might actually get kicked out of my house. D: I'm terrified for my music mark though. After the band bonus was eliminated for this term, I can't raise my mark, which is rapidly plummeting down after I failed the recent theory and playing tests. I just hope she'll be in a good mood when she writes my report card. If my music mark takes me off honour roll, I may actually go on a murderous rampage and kill her family.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone's sick of hearing about Susan Boyle, but in case you haven't seen it, she performed in the semi-finals yesterday. She did a fantastic job IMO, the beginning was kind of shaky though.

I really have nothing else to say. I haven't been doing any drawing lately, I've just been extremely uninspired. Here's a little 2 minute doodle for ya. Clicky clickyy~


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