Saturday, June 6, 2009

Little, insignificant people

So, today I realized that a lot more people disliked me than I knew. Most of these, of course, are little, insignificant people who I have never actually spoken to. Funny how that works, eh? It's alright, it's all mutual.

More exclusively, to a recent mistake that has been unfortunately introduced into my life,

I could care less what you thought of me. You are as insignificant to me as I am to you. But when you attempt to fuck me over with your little prejudice parade with people who I actually give a shit about, you prove how pathetic I already know you are. I mean really, I've seen you what, a total of 3 times? We have never had a conversation, nor have we mutually shared eye contact. What the fuck makes you think that you have enough to hate me with? Grow the fuck up and realize you are not the center of the universe. You are nobody. Although I'm glad I no longer have to pretend I like you.

AFTERTHOUGHT: Actually, I have spoken to you. Once. A 3 minute conversation. Good job, though, I never thought it was possible to look so stupid in 3 minutes.

Actually, this goes for other fucktards too. Mostly those who are now temporarily out of my life (but sadly, I will be seeing these douche bags again in the near future). There are about a dozen people I can think of off the top of my head that I cannot bear the thought of. You are all worthless. Immature, dirty, worthless rubbish. I cannot wait for reality to catch up to your retardation. I'm not one to wish dirty things upon people, but call when you catch your ass on fire, I'll be there to piss on you.

Much love,


Unknown said...

Yes. GO TRACE. piss on those motherfuckers :)

Anonymous said...

OH EM GEE WTF how the hell did i find u? i was just like surfing blogs n now i suddenly find Tracy's. wtf its been like wht? 2? 3? 4? years omg ..umm * thinks bout wht to say neext* u remeber who i am :P ( ye thts the best i could come up with.. t wa better than sayin " how's it goin")

JJ Lin said...

To Kimmy: ._.

-forgets about what the blog was about-

uh, let me post this and I'll add something

JJ Lin said...

-forgets that there's a show original post thing beside the comment box-

Oh ya I remember now.


I just have a small vocabulary.


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